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比利時皇家自然科學研究所的圖書館 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences 在尋找台灣人寫的3本論文, 遍尋不著, 請大家幫忙協尋。
第1本是吳書平與巫文隆發表的: 南亞蝸牛科在台灣的分布
Wu S.-P. & Wu W.L. (1998). The distribution of camaenidae in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan 22: 43–48.
第2本是吳書平與蔡奇立發表的: 菱蝸牛屬蝸牛新種發表
Wu S.-P. [Shu-Ping] & Tsai C.-L. [Chi-Li] (2016). A new dextral species land snail of genus Satsuma (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) endemic to Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan 39: 47-58.
第3本也是吳書平與蔡奇立發表的: 外來種肉食性的半蛞蝓(高音符絲鱉甲蝸牛)的獵食行為
Wu, S.-P. & Tsai, C.L. (2014). The invasive semi-slug Macrochlamys hippocastaneum (Mollusca: Ariophantidae) as a kind of carnivorous predator that prey on other snails. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan 37: 55-60
Dear Sir
We are contacting you from the library of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.
We are looking for one of our scientists for 3 articles published in the Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan.
We have contacted numerous libraries but no one seems to hold these publications.
Could you please help us to a copy of these articles or redirect our request?
We can pay by bank transfer.
Thanking you in advance for your reply.
Kind regards.
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